
dayTimeDuration, duration, yearMonthDuration missing constructors using each other

mstevan opened this issue · 0 comments

test-set: prod/CastExpr.xml
test-cases: K-SeqExprCast-165 to 168,189 to 192, 208 to 211

It seems that we have constructor only taking string as constructor. But according to test cases, it should be possible to also take dayTimeDuration as constructor argument for duration and vice versa. Same stands for yearMonthDuration

string(duration(dayTimeDuration("P31DT3H2M10.001S"))) eq "P31DT3H2M10.001S"
string(dayTimeDuration(duration("P3Y0M31DT3H2M10.001S"))) eq "P31DT3H2M10.001S"
string(yearMonthDuration(duration("P3Y0M31DT3H2M10.001S"))) eq "P3Y

⚠️ ️There was an error.

Code: [XPTY0004] (this code can be looked up in the documentation and specifications).

Location information: file:/Users/mstevan/Documents/:LINE:1:COLUMN:16:

Invalid argument for function duration. dayTimeDuration cannot be promoted to type string?.

Expected output: