
ModuleNotFoundError in Mask R-CNN for Bin Picking

adityaanirudhk opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi. Im trying to run the code provided in example 9.2 on Google Colab and I'm receiving a ModuleNotFoundError. I have tried to find the root cause for this problem but couldn't find any. It would be helpful if you could suggest another way to run the code.

cohnt commented

Make sure you pip install manipulation, otherwise the package won't be available. To run everything in this notebook on colab, I needed !pip install drake manipulation pyvirtualdisplay xvfbwrapper and !apt install xvfb at the top. You also may find that Deepnote supports the textbook examples a bit more easily than Colab.

Thank you. I'll make sure I check that out.

Thanks @cohnt !