Question about setting up
gymnae opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi there, I'd love to use the layer4 app without giving up on the Caddyfile, since it's YAMLness makes it easy for me to configure.
Could your layer4 extension be used for the following scenario:
caddy server running as docker container, listening on and and and
- Proxy turn.domain.tld UDP & TCP traffic received and sent on port 443 in raw form to a docker container running on port 3389 (requires also tls)
- Proxy vpn.domain.tld wireguard UDP traffic received and sent on port 443 to a docker container listening on the typical wireguard port (no tls required)
Proxy other UDP traffic received with further sub-domains to other containers
(all docker containers share the same docker network, so they can be reached via local IP or DNS)
And leave the http reverse proxies as they are already defined?
Could something like this work:
https_port 443
http_port 80
servers tcp/:443 {
layer4 {
udp/:443 {
turn.domain.tld {
proxy {
to udp/signaling_coturn:3389
vpn.domain.tld {
proxy {
to udp/wireguard:51820
sub.domain1.tld, sub.domain2.tld, sub.domain3.tld, sub.domain4.tld {
proxy {
to udp/dnsproxy:853
# normal http servers
sub.domain.tld {
When trying with
servers tcp/ {
protocols h1 h2
layer4 {
udp/ {
I get the following warning:
"layer4 app module: start: listen udp bind: address already in use"
Created a topic in the caddy community forum related to my question:
Hi @gymnae, is there anything this plugin can help you?