
RSS Feed linking to pages that don't exist

lily-mara opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm subscribed to Rust Magazine via the RSS feed, and I've noticied several posts come across my feed that link back to pages on that 404 when I try to load them. For example, if I load right now, it shows me an entry titled "How I contribute to Rust Compiler" that links to, which 404s.

screenshot of rustmagazine rss feed showing the 'how I contribute to Rust Compiler' story linking to

screenshot of browser navigated to showing a github pages http 404 error response

Folyd commented

Hi, @lily-mara. Thanks for the feedback. We haven't released Issue 1. The reason why article 404 is because we set publish to false. Maybe we also should not render the RSS feed.xml, I'll fix it later.

publish = false

Folyd commented

I'll close this issue since it has been fixed.