
This is a a flask application That uses News API to display latest and top headlines all over the world with constant update with current and relevant news. This application gives the user ability to view news headlines from different source

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

News App

This is a Python web application using Flask framework


This is a a flask application That uses News API to display latest and top headlines all over the world with constant update with current and relevant news. This application gives the user ability to view news headlines from different source from BBC,CNN,NY Times and all the top world news sources

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Python3.8 or later is installed in your PC.
  • clone the directory into your local machine
  • navigate to the cloned folder by cd News-App
  • run source virtual/bin/activate
  • pip install requirements.txt
  • run this command on terminal chmod +x start.sh
  • run ./start.py
  • The application should work

Known Bugs

NO known bugs as at the moment please reach to us if you see any.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input example Output example
The user should be able to view different news sources on home page command cnn,bbc,Al Jazeera
The application should give the user ability to select a news source bbc bbc news website
The application should provide a link to various news website NY times https://nytime.org
The user should see all articles available on different news source BBC bbc more article
The application should give the user the dates when different article were Published Trump Vows 18-10-2020
The application should have an error pages incase a user is misdirected domain/news/ error

Technologies Used

main languages used are

  • Python3.8
  • Flask
  • JavaScript
  • CSS

Contact details

reach out to me at rustique644@gmail.com

License and Copyright

License is under MIT 2020
Copyright © 2020 | Rustique Uwimpaye