Update to RealmSwift 5?
arthur798 opened this issue · 4 comments
arthur798 commented
Is there a planned release for RealmSwift 5? I am using this package however I can't update RxSwift to version 5 which removes UI webkit as I can't update RealmSwift 5 because of RxRealm not support version 5. is there anything planned at all?
M0rtyMerr commented
Hey @arthur798!
RealmSwift latest release version is 4.4.1
. Version 5 is still in beta. RxRealm
currently supports RxSwift 5.*
and Realm 4.*
jenbitcoin commented
Hi @MortyMerr Realm v5.0.0 is no longer beta. https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/releases/tag/v5.0.0 --- I hope RxRealm will be updated to use this version too.
M0rtyMerr commented
Thank you for update! I will take a look, API also requires update with freeze property
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M0rtyMerr commented
@jenbitcoin migrated to Realm 5 in latest release