
Adapting for 7.5inv2?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there, love this project. Have been attempting to get something similar up and running for awhile now. Running into a roadblock with a forked version of your code, sort of a noob but I try lol
I was hopeful that all I'd need to change was to add the waveshare demo for the 7.5in, edit in typewryter.py the references to the 4.2v's resolution (400x300) and substitute for the 7.5 (800x480), and when i ran main.py i'm actually able to load the menu! However, when attempting to start a new file, i get an error on line 203:
in partial_update_buffer
TypeError: EPD.display_Partial() missing 4 required positional arguments: 'Xstart', 'Ystart', 'Xend', and 'Yend'

My best guess it that partial_buffer is returning null? Any ideas on what I could try?

Hey @batslescouilles, did you manage to fix your error in your forked version? I am currently struggeling as well with the adaption for the 7.5inch(v2)