Module not found.
ccorcos opened this issue · 3 comments
In pkg2, I'm getting [ts] Cannot find module '@ryancavanaugh/pkg1'.
unless I run tsc -b packages
. This is a little annoying... I suppose you aren't supposed to work on both packages at the same time? Or just use --watch
to constantly rebuild...
Also, would be nice if I could import specific files from these packages... Should I import directly from the "@ryancavanaugh/pkg1/src/*'?
This example is based on Lerna, do you know how it works? You have to do only 3 steps from the root directory:
- yarn install
- yarn bootstrap
- yarn build
or for DEV mode
yarn dev
No need to build each pkg[n] directly as you maybe doing it.. After that 3 steps you can easily import @ryancavanaugh/pkg1 or @ryancavanaugh/pkg2 or @ryancavanaugh/pkg3
Hello Inside pkg3 I'm getting Cannot find module '@ryancavanaugh/pkg2'. How to fix it? Inside index.ts from pkg1 & pkg2 everything is good.
I believe it does what you're after.