
Heads up about `color` dependency

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I haven't actually tested this in your repo (sorry, fairly busy), but independently I found that using the color dependency in the Tailwind config seems to interfere with Tailwind's ability to correctly evaluate arbitrary color-values.

Specifically, I found that calling the color() function on a named CSS color—dodgerblue, say—would cause classes like text-[dodgerblue] and bg-[dodgerblue] to return invalid rgb syntax (just for named CSS colors that I called color() on). I imagine there's some shared-dependency mutation thing going on.

You might want to test for this problem in your project. I ended up switching to chroma.js.

Thanks for opening the issue! I appreciate you looking out for me (I had no idea this could be a problem with color().

The good news is that named colors work with this plugin (I guess the version of color that I use handles the named colors? 🤷🏼‍♂️)

I actually happen to have an example of it being used in my personal site here.

I'll go ahead and close this since this plugin handles that case.


Just to clarify the problem that I encountered: it's not that color-values defined using syntax like color('dodgerblue') weren't working, but rather that any named CSS-color I called with color() could no longer be successfully used in a Tailwind arbitrary-value class.

So for example, if I called color('dodgerblue') in my Tailwind config (without even doing anything with the returned value!), then arbitrary-value utility-classes like text-[dodgerblue] and bg-[dodgerblue] would subsequently fail.

To test if this is a problem in your project, you'd want to call color('dodgerblue') somewhere in your Tailwind config, and then see what happens when you try using the text-[dodgerblue] utility-class in a component.
