
Learn how to build a data analysis library from scratch

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Build your own Pandas Cub

This repository contains a detailed project that teaches you how to build your own Python data analysis library.

Target Student

This project is targeted towards those who understand the fundamentals of Python and wish to build their own data analysis library similar to Pandas from scratch.


  • Intermediate knowledge of Python
  • Helpful to have heard about special methods
  • Helpful to have used NumPy and Pandas before


Most data scientists who use Python rely on Pandas. In this assignment, we will build Pandas Cub, a library that implements many of the most common and useful methods found in Pandas. Pandas Cub will:

  • Have a DataFrame class with data stored in NumPy arrays
  • Use special methods defined in the Python data model
  • Have a nicely formatted display of the DataFrame in the notebook
  • Select subsets of data with the brackets operator
  • Implement aggregation methods - sum, min, max, mean, median, etc...
  • Implement non-aggregation methods such as isna, unique, rename, drop
  • Group by one or two columns
  • Have methods specific to string columns

Setting up the Development Environment

I recommend creating a new environment using the conda package manager. If you do not have conda, you can download it here along with the entire Anaconda distribution. Choose Python 3. When beginning development on a new library, it's a good idea to use a completely separate environment to write your code.

Create the environment with the environment.yml file

Conda allows you to automate the environment creation by creating an environment.yml file. The contents of the file are minimal and are displayed below.

name: pandas_cub
- python=3.6
- pandas
- jupyter
- pytest

This file will be used to create a new environment named pandas_cub. It will install Python 3.6 in a completely separate folder in your file system along with pandas, jupyter, and pytest. There will actually be many more packages installed as those libraries have dependencies of their own.

Visit this page for more information on conda environments.

Command to create new environment

In the top level directory of this repository, where the environment.yml file is located, run the following command from your command line.

conda env create -f environment.yml

The above command will take some time to complete. Once it completes, the environment will be created.

List the environments

Run the command conda env list to show all the environments you have. There will be a * next to the active environment, which will likely be base, the default environment that everyone starts in.

Activate the pandas_cub environment

Creating the environment does not mean it is active. You must activate in order to use it. Use the following command to activate it.

conda activate pandas_cub

You should see pandas_cub in parentheses preceding your command prompt. You can run the command conda env list to confirm that the * has moved to pandas_cub.

Deactivate environment

You should only use the pandas_cub environment to develop this library. When you are done with this session, run the command conda deactivate to return to your default conda environment.

Test-Driven Development with pytest

The completion of each part of this project is predicated upon passing the tests written in the test_dataframe.py module inside the tests folder.

We will rely upon the pytest library to test our code. We installed it along with a command line tool with the same name during our environment creation.

Test-Driven development is a popular approach for development. It involves writing tests first and then writing code that passes the tests.


All the tests are located in the test_dataframe.py module found in the tests directory. To run all the tests in this file run the following on the command line.

$ pytest tests/test_dataframe.py

If you run this command right now, all the tests will fail. As you complete the steps in the project, you will start passing the tests. Once all the tests are passed, the project will be complete.

Automated test discovery

The pytest library has rules for automated test discovery. It isn't necessary to supply the path to the test module if your directories and module names follow those rules. You can simply run pytest to run all the tests in this library.

Running specific tests

If you open up one of the test module test_dataframe.py, you will see the tests grouped under different classes. Each method of the classes represents exactly one test. To run all the tests within a single class, append two colons followed by the class name. The following is a concrete example:

$ pytest tests/test_dataframe.py::TestDataFrameCreation

It is possible to run just a single test by appending two more colons followed by the method name. Another concrete example follows:

$ pytest tests/test_dataframe.py::TestDataFrameCreation::test_input_types

The answer is in pandas_cub_final

The pandas_cub_final directory contains the completed __init__.py file that contains the code that passes all the tests. Only look at this file after you have attempted to complete the section on your own.

Manually test in a Jupyter Notebook

During development, it's good to have a place to manually experiment with your new code so you can see it in action. We will be using the Jupyter Notebook to quickly see how our DataFrame is changing. Within the pandas_cub environment, launch a Jupyter Notebook and open up the Test Notebook.ipynb notebook.


The first cell loads a notebook magic extension which automatically reloads code from files that have changed. Normally, we would have to restart the kernel if we made changes to our code to see it reflect its current state. This magic command saves us from doing this.

Importing pandas_cub

This notebook is at the same level as the inner pandas_cub directory. This means that we can import pandas_cub directly into our namespace without changing directories. Technically, pandas_cub is a Python package, which is a directory containing a __init__.py file. It is this initialization file that gets run when we write import pandas_cub as pdc.

pandas_cub_final is also imported so you can see how the completed object is supposed to behave.

A test DataFrame

A simple test DataFrame is created for pandas_cub, pandas_cub_final, and pandas. The output for all three DataFrames are produced in the notebook. There currently is no nice representation for pandas_cub DataFrames.

Starting Pandas Cub

You will be editing a single file for this project - the __init__.py file found in the pandas_cub directory. It contains skeleton code for the entire project. You won't be defining your own classes or methods, but you will be filling out the method bodies.

Open up this file now. You will see many incomplete methods that have the keyword pass as their last line. These are the methods that you will be editing. A few methods are complete and won't need editing.


You'll notice that all the methods have triple quoted strings directly beneath them. These strings are the documentation or 'docstrings'. There is a short summary followed by the a description of the parameters and a section that says what is returned. There are many ways you can write docstrings, but these follow the numpy docstring guide. They will help you understand how to complete each method.

How to complete the project

Keep the __init__.py file open at all times. This is the only file that you will be editing. Read and complete each numbered section below. Edit the method indicated in each section and then run the test. Once you pass that test, move on to the next section.

1. Check DataFrame constructor input types

Our DataFrame class is constructed with a single parameter, data. Python will call the special __init__ method when first constructing our DataFrame. You will not need to edit this method.

We are going to force our users to set data as a dictionary that has strings as the keys and one-dimensional NumPy arrays as the values. The keys will eventually become the column names and the arrays will be the values of those columns.

In this step, you will fill out the _check_input_types method. This method will ensure that our users have passed us a valid data parameter.

Specifically, _check_input_types must do the following:

  • raise a TypeError if data is not a dictionary
  • raise a TypeError if the keys of data are not strings
  • raise a TypeError if the values of data are not NumPy arrays
  • raise a ValueError if the values of data are not 1-dimensional

Run the following command to test this section:

$ pytest tests/test_dataframe.py::TestDataFrameCreation::test_input_types

2. Check array lengths

We are now guaranteed that data is a dictionary of strings mapped to one-dimensional arrays. Each column of data in our DataFrame must have the same number of elements. In this step, you must ensure that this is the case. Edit the _check_array_lengths method and raise a ValueError if any of the arrays differ in length.

Run the following test:

$ pytest tests/test_dataframe.py::TestDataFrameCreation::test_array_length

3. Change unicode arrays to object

By default, whenever you create a NumPy array of Python strings, it will default the data type of that array to unicode. Unicode arrays are more difficult to manipulate and don't have the flexibility that we desire. So, if our user passes us a Unicode array, we will convert it to a data type called 'object'. This is a flexible type and will help us later when creating methods just for string columns. This type allows any Python objects within the array.

In this step, you will change the data type of Unicode arrays to object. You will do this by checking each arrays data type kind. The data type kind is a single-character value available by doing array.dtype.kind. Use the astype array method to change its type.

A new dictionary, new_data is defined within this method. Fill this dictionary with the new converted array and return it.

Edit the _convert_unicode_to_object method and fill the dictionary new_data with the converted arrays. The result of this method will be returned and assigned as the _data instance variable.

Run test_unicode_to_object to test.

4. Find the number of rows in the DataFrame with the len function

The number of rows are returned when passing a Pandas DataFrame to the builtin len function. We will make pandas_cub behave the same exact way.

To do so we need to implement the special method __len__. This is what Python call whenever an object is passed to the len function.

Edit the __len__ method and have it return the number of rows. Test with test_len.

5. Return columns as a list

In pandas, calling df.columns returns a sequence of the column names. Our column names are currently the keys in our _data dictionary. Python provides the property decorator which allows us to execute code on something that appears to be just an instance variable.

Edit the columns 'method' (really a property) to return a list of the columns in order. Since we are working with Python 3.6, the dictionary keys are internally ordered. Take advantage of this. Validate with the test_columns test.

6. Set new column names

In this step, we will be assigning all new columns to our DataFrame by setting the columns property equal to a list. This is the exact same syntax as it is with Pandas. A concrete example below shows how you would set new coulmns for a 3-column DataFrame.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Raise a TypeError if the object used to set new columns is not a list
  • Raise a ValueError if the number of column names in the list does not match the current DataFrame
  • Raise a TypeError if any of the columns are not strings
  • Raise a ValueError if any of the column names are duplicated in the list
  • Reassign the _data variable so that all the keys have been updated
df.columns = ['state', 'age', 'fruit']

Python allows you to set columns by using the decorator columns.setter. The value on the right hand side of the assignment statement is passed to the method. Edit the 'column' method decorated by columns.setter and test with test_set_columns.

7. The shape property

The shape property in Pandas returns a tuple of the number of rows and columns. The property decorator is used again here. Edit it to have our DataFrame do the same as Pandas. Test with test_shape

8. Uncomment _repr_html_ method

This is a method specifically used by IPython to represent your object in the Jupyter Notebook. This method must return a string of html. This method is fairly complex and you must know some basic html to complete. I decided to implement this method for you. Uncomment it and test the output in the notebook. You should now see a nicely formatted representation of your DataFrame.

9. The values property

In Pandas, values is a property that returns a single array of all the columns of data. Our DataFrame will do the same. Edit the values property and concatenate all the column arrays into a single two-dimensional NumPy array. Return this array. The NumPy column_stack function can be helpful here. Test with test_values.

Hint on returning a DataFrame from a property/method

Many of the next steps require you to return a DataFrame as the result of the property/method. To do so, you will use the DataFrame constructor like this.

return DataFrame(new_data)

Where new_data is a dictionary mapping the column names to a one-dimensional numpy array. It is your job to create the new_data dictionary correctly.

10. The dtypes property

In Pandas, the dtypes property returns a Series containing the data type of each column with the column names in the index. Our DataFrame doesn't have an index. Instead, return a two-column DataFrame. Put the column names under the 'Column Name' column and the data type (bool, int, string, or float) under the column name 'Data Type'.

At the top of the __init__.py module there exists a DTYPE_NAME dictionary. Use it to convert from array kind to the string name of the data type. Test with test_dtypes.

11. Select a single column with the brackets

In Pandas, you can select a single with df['colname']. Our DataFrame will do the same. To make an object work with the brackets, you must implement the __getitem__ special method. This method is passed a single parameter, the value within the brackets.

In this step, use isinstance to check whether item is a string. If it is, return a one column DataFrame of that column. You will need to use the DataFrame constructor to return a DataFrame.

These tests are under a the TestSelection class. Run the test_one_column test.

12. Select multiple columns with a list

Our DataFrame will also be able to select multiple columns if given a list within the brackets. For example, df[['colname1', 'colname2']] will return a two column DataFrame.

Continue editing the __getitem__ method. If item is a list, return a DataFrame of just those columns. Run the test_multiple_columns

13. Boolean Selection with a DataFrame

In Pandas, you can filter for specific rows of a DataFrame by passing in a boolean Series/array to the brackets. For instance, the following will select all rows such that a is greater than 10.

>>> s = df['a'] > 10
>>> df[s]

This is called boolean selection. We will make our DataFrame work similarly. Edit the __getitem__ method and check whether item is a DataFrame. If it is then do the following:

  • If it is more than one column, raise a ValueError
  • Extract the underlying array from the single column
  • If the underlying array kind is not boolean ('b') raise a ValueError
  • Use the boolean array to return a new DataFrame with just the rows where the boolean array is True along with all the columns.

Run test_simple_boolean to test

(Optional) Simultaneous selection of rows and column

The steps 14-18 are optional and fairly difficult. The outcome of these steps is to simultaneous select both rows and columns in the DataFrame. The syntax uses the brackets operator like the previous three steps and looks like this:

df[rs, cs]

where rs is the row selection and cs is the column selection.

14. (Optional) Check for simultaneous selection of rows and columns

When you pass the brackets operator a sequence of comma separated values with df[rs, cs], Python calls the __getitem__ special method a tuple of all the values.

To get started coding, within the __getitem__ special method check whether item is a tuple instance. If is not, raise a TypeError and inform the user that they need to pass in either a string (step 11), a list of strings (step 12), a one column boolean DataFrame (step 13) or both a row and column selection (step 14).

If item is a tuple, return the result of a call to the _getitem_tuple method.

Edit the _getitem_tuple method from now through step 18.

Within the _getitem_tuple method, raise a ValueError if it is not exactly two items in length.

Run test_simultaneous_tuple to test.

15. (Optional) Select a single cell of data

In this step, we will select a single cell of data with df[rs, cs]. We will assume rs is an integer and cs is either an integer or a string.

To get started, assign the first element of item to the variable row_selection and the second element of item to col_selection. From step 14, we know that item must be a two-item tuple.

If row_selection is an integer, reassign it as one-element list of that integer.

Check whether col_selection is an integer. If it is, reassign to a one-element list of the string column name it represents.

If col_selection is a string, assign it to a one-element list of that string.

Now both row_selection and col_selection are lists.

You will return a single-row single-column DataFrame. This is different than Pandas, which just returns a scalar value.

Write a for loop to iterate through each column in the col_selection list to create the new_data dictionary. Make sure to select just the row that is needed.

This for-loop will be used for the steps through 18 to return the desired DataFrame.

Run test_single_element to test.

16. (Optional) Simultaneously select rows as booleans, lists, or slices

In this step, we will again be selecting rows and columns simultaneously with df[rs, cs]. We will allow rs to be either a single-column boolean DataFrame, a list of integers, or a slice. For now, cs will remain either an integer or a string. The following selections will be possible after this step.

df[df['a'] < 10, 'b']
df[[2, 4, 1], 'e']
df[2:5, 3]

If row_selection is a DataFrame, raise a ValueError if it is not one column. Reassign row_selection to the values (numpy array) of its column. Raise a TypeError if it is not a boolean data type.

If row_selection is not a list or a slice raise a TypeError and inform the user that the row selection must be either an integer, list, slice, or DataFrame. You will not need to reassign row_selection for this case as it will select properly from a numpy array.

Your for-loop from step 15 should return the DataFrame.

Run test_all_row_selections to test.

17. (Optional) Simultaneous selection with multiple columns as a list

The row_selection variable is now fully implemented. It can be either an integer, list of integers, a slice, or a one-column boolean DataFrame.

As of now, the col_selection can only be an integer or a string. In this step, we will handle the case when it is a list.

If col_selection is a list, create an empty list named new_col_selection. Iterate through each element of col_selection and check it is an integer. If it is, append the string column name to new_col_selection. If not, assume it is a string and append it as it is to new_col_selection.

new_col_selection will now be a list of string column names. Reassign col_selection to it.

Again, your for-loop from step 15 will return the DataFrame.

Run test_list_columns to test.

18. (Optional) Simultaneous selection with column slices

In this step, we will allow our columns to be sliced with either strings or integers. The following selections will be acceptable.

df[rs, :3]
df[rs, 1:10:2]
df[rs, 'a':'f':2]

Where rs is any of the previously acceptable row selections.

Check if col_selection is a slice. Slice objects have start, stop, and step attributes. Define new variables with the same name to hold those attributes of the slice object.

If col_selection is not a slice raise a TypeError informing the user that the column selection must be an integer, string, list, or slice.

If start is a string, reassign it to its integer index amongst the columns.

If stop is a string, reassign it to its integer index amongst the columns plus 1. We add one here so that we include the last column.

start, stop, and step should now be integers. Use them to reassign col_selection to a list of all the column names that are to be selected. You'll use slice notation to do this.

The for-loop from 15 will still work to return the desired DataFrame.

Run test_col_slice to test.

19. Tab Completion for column names

It is possible to get help completing column names when doing selections. For instance, let's say had a column name called 'state' and began making a column selection with df['s]. iPython provides us a way to press tab here and get a list of all the column names beginning with 's'.

We do this by returning the list of values we want to see from the _ipython_key_completions_ method.

Complete that method now.

Run test_tab_complete to test.

20. Create a new column or overwrite an old column

We will now have our DataFrame create a single new column or overwrite an existing one. Pandas allows for setting multiple columns at once, and even setting rows and columns simultaneously. Doing such is fairly complex and we will not implement those cases and instead focus on just single-column setting.

Python allows setting via the brackets with the __setitem__ special method. It receives two values when called, the key and the value. For instance, if we set a new column like this:

df['new col'] = np.array([10, 4, 99])

the key would be 'new col' and the value would be the numpy array.

If the key is not a string, raise a NotImplementedError stating that the DataFrame can only set a single column.

If value is a numpy array, raise a ValueError if it is not 1D. Raise a different ValueError if the length is different than the calling DataFrame.

If value is a DataFrame, raise a ValueError if it is not a single column. Raise a different ValueError if the length is different than the calling DataFrame. Reassign value to the underlying numpy array of the column.

If value is an integer, string, float, or boolean, use the numpy repeat function to reassign value to be an array the same length as the DataFrame with all values the same.

Raise a TypeError if value is not one of the above types.

After completing the above, value will be a one-dimensional array. If it's data type has its kind attribute as the string 'U', change it to object.

Finally, assign a new column by modifying the _data dictionary.

Run test_new_column to test.

21. head and tail methods

The head and tail methods each accept a single parameter n which is defaulted to 5. Have them return the first/last n rows.

A new testing class named TestBasics is used for the new several tests. Run test_head_tail to complete this.

22. Generic aggregation methods

We will now implement several methods that perform an aggregation. These methods all return a single value. The following aggregation methods are defined.

  • min
  • max
  • mean
  • median
  • sum
  • var
  • std
  • all
  • any
  • argmax - index of the maximum
  • argmin - index of the minimum

We will only be performing these aggregations column-wise and not row-wise. Pandas enables users to perform both row and column aggregations.

If you look at our source code, you will see all of the aggregation methods already defined. You will not have to modify any of these methods individually. Instead, they all call the underlying _agg method passing it the numpy function.

Complete the generic method _agg that accepts an aggregation function.

Iterate through each column of your DataFrame and pass the underlying array to the aggregation function. Return a new DataFrame with the same number of columns, but with just a single row, the value of the aggregation.

String columns with missing values raise a TypeError. Except this error and don't return columns where the aggregation cannot be found.

Defining just the _agg method will make all the other aggregation methods work.

All the aggregation methods have their own test. They are all named similarly with 'test_' preceding the name of the aggregation. Run all 11 tests.

23. isna method

The isna method will return a DataFrame the same shape as the original but with boolean values for every single value. Each value will be tested whether they are missing or not. Use np.isnan except in the case for strings which you can use a vectorized equality expression to None.

Test with test_isna found in the TestOtherMethods class.

24. count method

The count method returns a single-row DataFrame with the number of non-missing values for each column. You will want to use the result of isna.

Test with test_count

25. unique method

This method will return the unique values for each column in the DataFrame. Specifically, it will return a list of one-column DataFrames of unique values in each column. If there is a single column, just return the DataFrame.

The reason we use a list of DataFrames is that each column may contain a different number of unique values. Use the unique numpy function.

Test with test_unique

26. nunique method

Return a single-row DataFrame with the number of unique values for each column.

Test with test_nunique

27. value_counts method

Return a list of DataFrames. Each DataFrame will be two columns. The first column name will be the name of the original column. The second column name will be 'count'. The first column will contain the unique values in the original DataFrame column. The 'count' column will hold the frequency of each of those unique values.

Use the numpy unique function with return_counts set to True. Return the DataFrames with sorted values from greatest to least. Use the numpy argsort to help with this.

Use the test_value_counts test within the TestGrouping class.

28. Normalize options for value_counts

We will modify the value_counts method to return relative frequencies. The value_counts method also accepts a boolean parameter normalize that by default is set to False. If it is True, that return the relative frequencies of each value instead.

Test with test_value_counts_normalize

29. rename method

The rename method renames one or more column names. Accept a dictionary of old column names mapped to new column names. Return a DataFrame. Raise a TypeError if columns is not a dictionary.

Test withtest_rename within the TestOtherMethods class

30. drop method

Accept a single string or a list of column names a strings and return a DataFrame without those columns. Raise a TypeError if a string or list is not provided.

Test with test_drop

31. Non-aggregation methods

There are several non-aggregation methods that function similarly. All of the following non-aggregation methods return a DataFrame that is the same shape as the origin.

  • abs
  • cummin
  • cummax
  • cumsum
  • clip
  • round
  • copy

All of the above methods will be implemented with the generic _non_agg method. This method is sent the numpy function name of the non-aggregating method.

Pass each column to this non-aggregating method. If a particular column raises a TypeError, except it and move on processing the other columns.

Notice that some of these non-aggregating methods have extra keyword arguments. These are passed to _non_agg and collected with **kwargs. Make sure to pass them to the numpy function as well.

There is a different test for each method in the TestNonAgg class.

32. diff method

The diff method accepts a single parameter n and takes the difference between the current row and the nth preceding row. For instance, if a column has the values [5, 10, 2] and n=1 the diff method would return [NaN, 5, -8]. The first value is missing because there is no value preceding it.

This method will only be possible with numeric columns. String columns will raise a TypeError. Except this error and skip the column.

Allow n to be either a negative or positive integer. You will have to set the first or last n values to np.nan. If you are doing this on an integer column, you will have to convert it to float first as integer arrays cannot contains missing values. Use np.roll to help shift the data in the arrays.

Test with test_diff

33. pct_change method

The pct_change method is nearly identical to the diff method. The only difference is that this method returns the percentage change between the values and not the raw difference.

Test with test_pct_change

34. Arithmetic and Comparison Operators

All the common arithmetic and comparison operators will be made available to our DataFrame. For example, df + 5 uses the plus operatorr to add 5 to each element of the DataFrame. Take a look at some of the following examples:

df + 5
df - 5
df > 5
df != 5
5 + df
5 < df

All the arithmetic and comparison operators have corresponding special methods that are called whenever the operator is used. For instance __add__ is called when the plus operator is used, and __le__ is called whenever the less than or equal to operator is used.

Each of these methods accepts a single parameter, which we have named other. All of these methods call a more generic _oper method which you will complete.

Within the _oper method check if other is a DataFrame. We will allow operations if other is a one-column DataFrame. Raise a ValueError if other is not a one-column DataFrame. Otherwise, reassign other to be a 1D array of the values of its only column.

We won't check for any other types and instead assume that other is compatible with the numpy array of each column.

Iterate through all the columns of your DataFrame and apply the operation to each array. You will need to use the getattr function along with the op string to retrieve the underlying array method. For instance, getattr(values, '__add__') returns the method that uses the plus operator for that numpy array values. Return a new DataFrame with the operation applied to each column.

Run all the tests in class TestOperators

35. sort_values method

This method takes two parameters. Allow the parameter by to be a single column as a string or a list of columns. This will be the sorting column or columns. The second parameter, asc will be a boolean controlling the direction of the sort. It is defaulted to True meaning that sorting will be ascending (lowest to greatest). Raise a TypeError if by is not a string or list.

You will need to use NumPy's argsort to get the order of the sort for a single column and lexsort to sort multiple columns.

Run the following tests in the TestMoreMethods class.

  • test_sort_values
  • test_sort_values_desc
  • test_sort_values_two
  • test_sort_values_two_desc

36. sample method

This method randomly samples the rows of the DataFrame. You can either choose an exact number to sample with n or a fraction with frac. Sample with replacement by using the boolean replace. You can also set the random number seed. Raise a ValueError if frac is not positive and a TypeError if n is not an integer.

Use the seed function from numpy's random module to set the seed. Use the choice function from numpy's random module to randomly choose new rows. This function has a replace parameter. Return a new DataFrame.

37. str accessor

Look back up at the __init__ method. One of the last lines defines str as an instance variable assigned to a new instance of StringMethods. Pandas has the same variable for its DataFrames and gives it the name 'string accessor'. We will also refer to it as an 'accessor' as it gives us access to string-only methods.

Scroll down below the definition of the DataFrame class. You will see the StringMethods class defined there. During initialization it stores a reference to the underlying DataFrame with _df.

There are many string methods defined in this class. The first parameter to each string method is the name of the column you would like to apply the string method to. We will only allow our accessor to work on a single column DataFrame.

You will only be modifying the _str_method which accepts the string method, the name of the column, and any extra arguments.

Within _str_method select the underlying numpy array of the given col. Raise a TypeError if it does not have kind 'O'.

Iterate over each value in the array and pass it to method. It will look like this: method(val, *args). Return a one-column DataFrame with the new data.

Test with class TestStrings

38. pivot_table method

This is a complex method to implement. This method allows you to create a pivot table from your DataFrame. The following image shows the final result of calling the pivot table on a DataFrame. It summarizes the mean salary of each gender for each race.


A typical pivot table uses two columns as the grouping columns from your original DataFrame. The unique values of one of the grouping columns form a new column in the new DataFrame. In the example above, the race column had five unique values.

The unique values of the other grouping column now form the columns of the new DataFrame. In the above example, there were two unique values of gender.

In addition to the grouping columns is the aggregating column. This is typically a numeric column that will get summarized. In the above pivot table, the salary column was aggregated.

The last component of a pivot table is the aggregating function. This determines how the aggregating columns get aggregated. Here, we used the mean function.

The syntax used to produce the pivot table above is as follows:

df.pivot_table(rows='race', columns='gender', values='salary', aggfunc='mean')

rows and columns will be assigned the grouping columns. values will be assigned the aggregating column and aggfunc will be assigned the aggregating function. All four parameters will be strings.

There are several approaches that you can take to implement this. One approach involves using a dictionary to store the unique combinations of the grouping columns as the keys and a list to store the values of the aggregative column. You could iterate over every single row and then use a two-item tuple to hold the values of the two grouping columns. A defaultdict from the collections module can help make this easier. Your dictionary would look something like this after you have iterated through the data.

{('black', 'male'): [50000, 90000, 40000],
 ('black', 'female'): [100000, 40000, 30000]}

Once you have mapped the groups to their respective values, you would need to iterate through this dictionary and apply the aggregation function to the values. Create a new dictionary for this.

From here, you need to figure out how to turn this dictionary into the final DataFrame. You have all the values, you just need to create a dictionary of columns mapped to values. Use the first column as the unique values of the rows column.

Other features:

  • Return a DataFrame that has the rows and columns sorted
  • You must make your pivot table work when passed just one of rows or columns. If just rows is passed return a two-column DataFrame with the first column containing the unique values of the rows and the second column containing the aggregations. Title the second column the same name as aggfunc.
  • If aggfunc is None and values is not None then raise a ValueError.
  • If aggfunc and values are both None then set aggfunc equal to the string 'size'. This will produce a contingency table.

Run test_pivot_table_rows_or_cols and test_pivot_table_both in the TestGrouping class.

39. Automatically add documentation

This method is already completed and automatically adds documentation to the aggregation methods by setting the __doc__ attribute.

40. Reading simple CSVs

We will implement a simple function to read in data on disk into our DataFrame. The read_csv function accepts a single parameter, fn, which is a string of the file name containing the data. Read through each line of the file. Assume the values in each line are separated by commas. Also assume the first line contains the column names.

Create a dictionary to hold the data and return a new DataFrame. Use the file employee.csv in the data directory to test your function manually.

Run all the tests in the TestReadCSV class.