
local key conflicts

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Please change the key and move it directly here, it conflicts with my key.

BTW, if you referenced my code, I suggest you credit it at README.md

Yes, I did refer to the code in your project early in the project. I started this plugin because I wanted to synchronize the notes in Memos to Obsidian's daily notes, and then I built it while referring to your project.

The key in my project has been modified in the latest v0.4.0, and the README.md has also credited a reference to obsidian-lifeos.

Your project gave me a lot of useful references. Thanks!

是的,我在项目早期确实有参考过你项目里的代码。我这个插件一开始就是我想把 Memos 里的笔记同步到 Obsidian 的 daily notes 里,然后边参考着你的项目边摸索着建起来的。

在最新的 v0.4.0 中已经修改了我项目里面的 key ,并且 README.md 中也已经写明了对 obsidian-lifeos 有做参考。
