
[Minor] Dark theme "Unload Trigger" text is white on a white background

LoScienzo opened this issue · 1 comments

The header of the button list when setting the Unload Trigger of a "Load a profile" special action has white text on white background when using the dark theme.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. (Using dark theme)
  2. Go to "Profiles"
  3. Edit a profile
  4. Go to "Special Actions"
  5. Create or edit an action
  6. Select the "Load a profile" action
  7. Click on "Set Unload Trigger"
  8. See the header of the button checkbox list now having white-on-white text

Expected behavior
The text should instead be white on a dark background, like the "Trigger" header is.


This is how the regular trigger header looks like Regular trigger header
This is how the regular trigger header looks like on mouse hover Regular trigger header hover
This is how the unload trigger header looks like Unload trigger header
This is how the unload trigger header looks like on mouse hover Unload trigger header hover


  • Controller Make and Model: Sony DS4 v.2 (CUH-ZCT2E)
  • OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2 Build 19045.3693
  • DS4Windows Version: 3.2.19