
OpenAI gym extension for DarkSouls III

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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SoulsGym is an extension for OpenAI's gym toolkit for reinforcement learning environments. It enables training and testing of reinforcement learning algorithms on Dark Souls III bosses. SoulsGym uses the game as a simulation that is modified at runtime by reading and writing into the game memory to create gym environments from the game's boss fights.


You need to have the latest version of Dark Souls III installed since SoulsGym uses the game as engine for its environments. Dark Souls III is not available for free and has to be purchased (e.g. at the Steam store). SoulsGym requires the player to load into the game before any environments are created. In addition we require custom key bindings and graphic settings. It is also highly recommended to start the game in offline mode and delete your new save game after gym use to protect you from multiplayer bans.

Warning: Please follow the setup description in our official docs for the correct key settings, ban prevention, loss of game saves etc.


To install soulsgym, use pip install soulsgym. At this time, we only support Windows. SoulsGym requires a running instance of Dark Souls III (see requirements) and relies on the win32api. It is therefore not available on other operating systems.


SoulsGym's environments follow the gym API as closely as possible. Since our environments are based on Dark Souls III we are, however, not able to provide reproducible results by setting the RNG seeds.

Our internal API for interacting with the game and creating the boss fight environments is located in the core module.

A detailed API documentation of our environments and the core library can be found in the official docs.

Getting Started

You can use SoulsGym like any other gym environment. Below is an example of a random agent fighting against Iudex Gundyr:

import gymnasium as gym
import soulsgym

env = gym.make("SoulsGymIudex-v0")
obs, info = env.reset()
terminated = False

while not terminated:
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    next_obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)


Note: Dark Souls III has to be running with the correct settings when executing the script. See requirements.


For details on the soulsgym package see our official docs.


If you'd like to contribute, feel free to reach out to me. In addition, have a look at the documentation and try to understand how the gym works.

Implementing new bosses is probably the easiest way to contribute, and should be fairly self-contained. If you'd like to include other Souls games, definitely reach out first so that we can structure the project properly.