i think cloudflare change their code again
longcharmroeun opened this issue · 11 comments
var target = "https://kissasian.sh/";
var useragen = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1";
var cf = new CloudflareSolver(useragen)
MaxTries = 3,
ClearanceDelay = 3000
var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
var client = new HttpClient(handler);
var result1 = await cf.Solve(new Uri(target), useragen);
i got Unknown protection detected
Yep. Get the same error message. (On a different website)
The website says: "Please turn on javascript...."
So it seems like the javascript bypass is not working anymore?
i have been change your code:
``private static readonly Regex JsChallengeRegex = new Regex(@"<script.?>(?<script>.?var s,t,o,p, b,r,e,a,k,i,n,g,f, (?\w+?)={""(?\w+?)"":(?.?)};.?(?\s*?\w+?.\w+?[+-/]=(?:(?(?:+|(|)|!|[|]|/)+?;)|(?(?:+|(|)|!|[|]|/)+?(function.?}(.?)));)|(?function(.){var.?;\s.?;)))+.?a.value\s=\s(+\w+.\w+(\s+\s(?t.length))?).toFixed((?\d+));.?},\s*(?\d+));.?)</script>.?<form.+?action=""(?\S+?)"".?>.?name=""r"" value=""(?\S+)"".?value=""(?<jschl_vc>[a-z0-9]{32})"".?id=""jschl-vc"".?name=""pass"" value=""(?\S+?)"".?.?(id=""cf-dn-\S+"">(?<cf_dn>.?)\s+<div.?){0,1}\s+", RegexOptions.Singleline/ | RegexOptions.Compiled*/);
everything is the same as original GET and POST https://kissasian.sh/
but it keep redirect.
finally it working now i will summit my code to you.
My website is website for example Does your new code works their too? Would be awesome if you could check this :)
my code that working
I tried to use it in a programm called openbullet (Which is multithreaded)
But for my website I still get the same error message with openbullet
(Unknown protection, skipping the bypass!)
Could you do me maybe a favour?
Could you maybe compile me the CloudflareSolverRe.dll please? (Without the TemporaryWebclient)
To keep it multithreaded, follow the last comment in this issue: #15 (It is just removing / commenting out 2-3 things)
Maybe I did a stupid mistake when I compiled it or forgot something. I simply can't get it to work.
Thanks alot!
@Artarex i don't know but
I will try to testing you websites
@Artarex i don't know but
I will try to testing you websites
Thanks! Test it on webiste.com
I compiled your code right now again and used the .dll on openbullet but it still gives unknown protection.
Would be awesome if you find out on my website what causes the problem.
Thanks alot :)
already fix your website is working now
Yes it is working now. Thank you!
Another fix in #24
Binary => https://www.nuget.org/packages/CloudflareSolverReNgosang/