
Images not loading until some key is pressed

vsilvalopes opened this issue · 9 comments

On the version 0.9.1 I've noticed a behavior, that none of the images load after the aplication startup.
If I touch any button on the controller (Black, White, Directional Keys, Start, Back) the game cover image loads instantly.

I'm running on :

  • Xbox 1.6
  • Latest Cerbios (2.3.1)
  • Games are compressed, using the Repacknator Tool
  • 720p video mode.

Thanks in advance!

Screenshots atached bellow


I think ive fixed this with 3d662a6

Can you check the build artifact here:

Hi @Ryzee119 !

Thanks for the fast reply !

Tested it, and the image loading problem, is gone!

But, I've noticed an error on the Cover art scaling:


When a game is not selected, a black border apears on the Left side and the botom of the space for the art :

Captura de tela 2023-08-14 091021

And when I select the game, the image resizes to the correct aspect.

Damn made a new problem I guess. I'll check that out tomorrow

No problem!
Just update here and I test it!
Thanks for the work! :D

Hi @Ryzee119 tested it, and at first everything seems ok!
The problem with the pictures is solved.

But I've got two crashes launching games, one after a Coolboot, and another after a softreset.

So I will do more testing, and report back to you!

Hi @Ryzee119 did some more tests, and can confirm.
Some games simply doesn't start.

So I have to power off and on the Xbox, and try again.
I'm suspecting this an issue with LithiumX, because when I try again the game works flawlessly.
And I didn't noticed this behavior using UnleashX for example.

If there's some debug that I can send you, let me know!

Hi @Ryzee119 did some more tests, and I think everything is fine now!

What I did was a reflash of the latest Cerbios (2.3.1) but this time using UDMA-2, instead of the UDMA-4.
Played a couple of games, changed then using softreset, and I had not a single hang on LithiumX.

So, I think that this version is indeed good!

Thanks for the support, and sorry for the confusion about Cerbios.

Great glad its working