
Issue: DLC Installers / XBlastOS XBE will not boot

Laserdisc9X opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, first of all I would like to preface by saying I love LithiumX and use it as my main dashboard; I really appreciate all the work you've done with it.

I've attempted this on two XBOXs, the first a 1.1 and the other a 1.4; LithiumX fails to launch any of the DLC Installers (Digiex ver.) and XBlastOS (XBE ver.), however the installers will boot with UnleashX and XBMC.

DLC installed to F:\DLC\[DLC NAME]\default.xbe.
XBlast installed to E:\Apps\XblastOS\default.xbe.

Are you able to replicate this? known issue? -- Either way, I hope this will help.

Thanks for the report.
What bios are you using?

Both are using Cerbios 2.1.0 Beta (the latest of this reply). Apologies for not reporting that originally.

Can you confirm they launch using another dashboard?
I've heard cerb may have issues with DLC installers

DLC and XBlast launch with UnleashX on Cerbios; I just recently formatted a new SSD and installed some, this is how I came to notice the issue. Found the XBlast issue when upgrading my Bios to UDMA-5 version of Cerbios.

Just wanted to report that on the new Cerbios 2.2.0 Beta, XBlastOS is launching under LithiumX; No change for DLC.

Happy holidays.

Could you please retest in V0.9

I'm unable to reproduce this issue with v0.9.3

Maybe we should consider closing this issue for now?

I was never able to repo either.
Will close for now. Can raise a new issue if this occurs