
Could this be used to create third party/home made Steel Battalion controllers?

AstraleAmalthea opened this issue · 2 comments

Greetings. Stumbled upon your project, and it’s a bit over my head. As I understand it, it converts inputs from a wireless game pad (and some other game pads) to original Xbox ports.

Would it be possible to build a custom twin stick arcade setup with the correct amount of buttons, and use this to convert its inputs to steel battalion?

Basically, build a box, slap some buttons, sticks and throttles into it, then wire it up to one micro usb out and use this to play?

Yes definitely possible. The arduino may not have sufficient inputs so would need some IO expanders or porting to a bigger microcontroller with more IO.

100% possible if someone is up to the challenge, but i dont plan on doing this personally.

Am closing this issue as its not really a project issue.