
Anti Debugging C++ Class

Primary LanguageC++


Anti Debugging C++ Class

Techniques Covered

searchSoftwareBreakpoints(PVOID mAddress):

Searches for software breakpoints in the memory at the specified address (mAddress).
It looks for the byte 0xCC (int 3), which is a common opcode used for software breakpoints.

searchHardwareBreakpoints(HANDLE tHandle):

Checks for the presence of hardware breakpoints in the specified thread (tHandle).
Utilizes the CONTEXT structure and the thread's context to inspect debug registers.


Uses the WinAPI function IsDebuggerPresent() to check if the process is being debugged.


Attempts to disable the DbgBreakPoint function by changing its first byte to 0xC3 (ret) using VirtualProtect.


Attempts to modify the DbgUiRemoteBreakin function to prevent remote debugging.
Creates a custom patch (DbgUiRemoteBreakinPatch) and applies it to the DbgUiRemoteBreakin function.


isDebuggerPresentInRemoteProcess(HANDLE hProcess):

Checks if a debugger is present in a remote process specified by the hProcess handle.
Uses the CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent function.


Calls both antiDbgBreakPoint() and antiDbgUiRemoteBreakin() to apply the patches.