
UNMAINTAINED Lego Mindstorms NXT for TurtleBlock JS

Primary LanguagePython


Turtle Storm is a turtleblocksjs plugin for the lego mindstorms NXT. It supports the motors, color sensor, touch sensor and ultrasonic sensor.


  1. Install deps

     yum install pyusb
     pip install nxt-python
  2. Start the NXT server

     python server.py
  3. Start turtle art (this plugin does not work with t.sl.o, as it is causes https mixed content warnings):

     git clone https://github.com/walterbender/turtleblocksjs
     cd turtleblocksjs
     python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  4. Load nxt.json plugin and have fun!

Turtle Storm API Docs

GET /areyouarobot

Returns yes

GET /about

Returns a list of motor letters and the number of sensor ports. Eg:

    "sensors": 4,
    "motors": ["A", "B", "C", "D"]


GET /motor/<letter>/start/<power>

GET /motor/<letter>/stop

GET /motor/<letter>/idle

GET /motor/<letter>/turn/<deg>/<power>

power always ranges from -127 to 128.


GET /touch/<port>

Returns 1 if touched and 0 if not

GET /ultrasonic/<port>

Returns the distance in centimeters

GET /led/<port>/<color>

Change the color sensor LED. Color options are blue, red, green, all, none. none turns the light off.

NXT only

GET /light/<port>

Returns the lightness from 13 to 0

GET /light/<port>/reflect/<color>

Returns the reflected light using a given color. From 0 to 1000 (probably).

Note: Broken in an odd way

GET /color/<port>

Returns the color from 1 to 6.

GET /gyro/angle/<port>

GET /gyro/angle/<port>

The gyro apis do something... I don't really know.

EV3 only.