
Alexa integration with Recast.AI bot is not working

ashwani-luhaniwal opened this issue · 9 comments

Currently, I am trying to integrate our Recast bot with Alexa bot. I have followed all the steps which were listed by Recast in the channel guidelines. After successful deployment to Alexa, when I call our bot from Alexa then we are getting the following error. The Alexa chat response was There is a problem with the requested skills response

Here I have attached the Input JSON along with Output JSON which we are getting in Alexa logs. Could you please help me here as I am not able to figure out what's happening. It seems from Alexa call is happening successfully in the Recast as I am able to see intent calls in Monitor section where as somehow the response is not going to Alexa bot.

Input JSON

json { "version": "1.0", "session": { "new": true, "sessionId": "amzn1.echo-api.session.2765a204-9ab6-4a1a-b32c-c22e92831d08", "application": { "applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.39cb5bbd-a817-4b98-95fb-b9366db21973" }, "user": { "userId": "amzn1.ask.account.AFDRQWXDQCA7IYJONBAQV7SX74GDOLHNNZGNL5S6NU4CBWLMIWSEBSGP6XYOFUWQE6A3TD4FNCTJ7UMVQ4ZXJ3XAF37CP5KPJYOVS6WHVZUTQPFEDYMLHGYBKOLWGTWD3FB46CSIBAZVBELG7UGXO7GIK2AEKCO3T5QTNGPQJNIIJWJTNJXOJPURGADEJKMAC32NOUA7VB2RGFQ" } }, "context": { "System": { "application": { "applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.39cb5bbd-a817-4b98-95fb-b9366db21973" }, "user": { "userId": "amzn1.ask.account.AFDRQWXDQCA7IYJONBAQV7SX74GDOLHNNZGNL5S6NU4CBWLMIWSEBSGP6XYOFUWQE6A3TD4FNCTJ7UMVQ4ZXJ3XAF37CP5KPJYOVS6WHVZUTQPFEDYMLHGYBKOLWGTWD3FB46CSIBAZVBELG7UGXO7GIK2AEKCO3T5QTNGPQJNIIJWJTNJXOJPURGADEJKMAC32NOUA7VB2RGFQ" }, "device": { "deviceId": "amzn1.ask.device.AGP3BT7TNJEFFUHD7VZ724UB3RNYPDA22EAWVEVWFPIEUJ2YEEI57QGGB62XEFXAB34UYDQNCNXZ6QSBFGGILUTCD45ZWE54Y7CV5Q76PY7WNRT74FW6JMBFGTVB5GPHJUOAIODOCZVB3HTE3YBYPYUEXR6QMRYFRMUCQNL5SDM6W55E5QS7K", "supportedInterfaces": {} }, "apiEndpoint": "", "apiAccessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEifQ.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2FwaS5hbWF6b25hbGV4YS5jb20iLCJpc3MiOiJBbGV4YVNraWxsS2l0Iiwic3ViIjoiYW16bjEuYXNrLnNraWxsLjM5Y2I1YmJkLWE4MTctNGI5OC05NWZiLWI5MzY2ZGIyMTk3MyIsImV4cCI6MTU0NjQzMTY1MCwiaWF0IjoxNTQ2NDI4MDUwLCJuYmYiOjE1NDY0MjgwNTAsInByaXZhdGVDbGFpbXMiOnsiY29uc2VudFRva2VuIjpudWxsLCJkZXZpY2VJZCI6ImFtem4xLmFzay5kZXZpY2UuQUdQM0JUN1ROSkVGRlVIRDdWWjcyNFVCM1JOWVBEQTIyRUFXVkVWV0ZQSUVVSjJZRUVJNTdRR0dCNjJYRUZYQUIzNFVZRFFOQ05YWjZRU0JGR0dJTFVUQ0Q0NVpXRTU0WTdDVjVRNzZQWTdXTlJUNzRGVzZKTUJGR1RWQjVHUEhKVU9BSU9ET0NaVkIzSFRFM1lCWVBZVUVYUjZRTVJZRlJNVUNRTkw1U0RNNlc1NUU1UVM3SyIsInVzZXJJZCI6ImFtem4xLmFzay5hY2NvdW50LkFGRFJRV1hEUUNBN0lZSk9OQkFRVjdTWDc0R0RPTEhOTlpHTkw1UzZOVTRDQldMTUlXU0VCU0dQNlhZT0ZVV1FFNkEzVEQ0Rk5DVEo3VU1WUTRaWEozWEFGMzdDUDVLUEpZT1ZTNldIVlpVVFFQRkVEWU1MSEdZQktPTFdHVFdEM0ZCNDZDU0lCQVpWQkVMRzdVR1hPN0dJSzJBRUtDTzNUNVFUTkdQUUpOSUlKV0pUTkpYT0pQVVJHQURFSktNQUMzMk5PVUE3VkIyUkdGUSJ9fQ.BFSDEo3zUKInczRn8bEvz0J9GT5C1AXdWzsBKh-wM1nbdesZuUM4mStIgu6FnxqInBGH77ElHyq0P740PpeiD1sXajJpB0rNdJLef1aJT1-f1Zjf88qCSywcU67gQitn7lcjn9oQjS7pCL7eauKKpB9UKdHxvjlgkUWLMKNViS7OBJZOJU_7bTeA0Dd0w3rhY2ojL1Qmu1Gty6kescLi4kbK2HfqHYbUOwkXTi0ic-ZAUF3ti9KcwqkFFtvIv138QlW_2ge-99FfVnCGkwnCLq0HacSdONr75KdnSzzzBdg7yYr23lKxSB7tQF7XDvIkjuwGR2pwMo8jLNGkJBaTgg" }, "Viewport": { "experiences": [ { "arcMinuteWidth": 246, "arcMinuteHeight": 144, "canRotate": false, "canResize": false } ], "shape": "RECTANGLE", "pixelWidth": 1024, "pixelHeight": 600, "dpi": 160, "currentPixelWidth": 1024, "currentPixelHeight": 600, "touch": [ "SINGLE" ] } }, "request": { "type": "IntentRequest", "requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.05b255dc-0d64-4b03-8a49-959551bc498b", "timestamp": "2019-01-02T11:20:50Z", "locale": "en-IN", "intent": { "name": "CATCH_ALL_INTENT", "confirmationStatus": "NONE", "slots": { "CATCH_ALL_SLOT": { "name": "CATCH_ALL_SLOT", "value": "orders", "resolutions": { "resolutionsPerAuthority": [ { "authority": "", "status": { "code": "ER_SUCCESS_NO_MATCH" } } ] }, "confirmationStatus": "NONE", "source": "USER" } } } } }

Output JSON

json { "body": { "version": "1.0", "response": {}, "sessionAttributes": {}, "userAgent": "ask-node/2.0.7 Node/v8.12.0" } }

Even when I try to call the recast api webhook url in the browser then we are getting errors something like service is not implemented


Hi Aurelie,

Could you specify what is the meaning of SAPMLCONV-1204 as I am not able to understand it.

Ashwani K Luhaniwal

Hi Ashwani,

Sorry l, it is only the card number of your issue. I will update you when I have more information



@ashwani-luhaniwal : Were you able to resolve the issue?
@aurelie-lamy : Even i am facing the same issue. Can you please provide some update or info or workaround to resolve the issue. Thanks in advance

hi is that issue resolved because i am also facing the same issue

this issue is solved, i am able to connect alexa.

hi is that issue resolved because i am also facing the same issue

I am facing the same issue, not able to connect to Alexa also.

hi aswani, this issue is resolved make sure you have redirected ur alexa trigger skill to any of the welcome or greet skill which u have created.

Yeah, now the integration of Alexa with Recast is working perfectly for me. 👍 Thanks for sharing your inputs here. :)