
3rd step in the Procedure is not correct

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Issue description


  1. Navigate to your subaccount. For more information, see Navigate in the Cockpit.
  2. Choose Security > Roles Collections in the navigation area and include the roles into the roles collection.
  3. Choose Security > Trust Configuration and assign role collections to users.

3rd step in the above procedure is not correct for assigning roles to users.

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Page Title on SAP Help Portal (prefilled)

Configure Application Roles and Assign Roles to Users

Page URL on SAP Help Portal (prefilled)

@NHingerl this isn't my topic.


Thank you for your feedback! We’ll look into it and come back to you if we have any questions.

@ManjunathJayaram : Yes, thanks for the feedback. Steps two and three were originally meant as two separate options for assigning role collections. The user interface has since changed and step three no longer works as described.

In fact the whole story is better described here:

I will update the documentation

Thank you for your valuable feedback contribution, @ManjunathJayaram! So that we can recognize your contribution in SAP Community, please tell us your SAP Community profile URL in a reply to this comment; don't include any other text, just the URL on its own, like this:
