
Cannot share private domain

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear author,

I'm following your steps to build a HA test demo.

I'm now successfully mapped one CPI's API with custom domain service (as step-3), but when I configure the second one, I cannot map the second API with the same domain, even I have already run the command share-private-domain, could you please help to figure this issue out?


@maxstreifeneder and @hterminasyan,

there was a change in the process for the cf custom domain since I published the blog initially if I remember correctly, right?

@AlgorithmGoddess did you verify the general domain create process? Have a look at my outdated CLI sequence here. The wildcard domain is the same across both spaces, only the routes are different.

I suspect the domain sharing part changed, hence the issue. @maxstreifeneder and @hterminasyan will update my blog too once figured out how to clarify.


Hi All,

I have found my problem of this issue, it's because I was trying to create 2 map route in the same cloud foundry api endpoint. I then create another tenant with different area and can successfully do the routes and mapping.
Thanks all for help, especially thanks @MartinPankraz to ping me to help me out.
