Facing a problem while following your instruction (Exercise 1)
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hbkim92 commented
Hello, We are facing a problem while follow your instruction (Exercise 1) so need your support. (If the github Issues tab is not the right place to ask about your IN280 session, please let us know.)
- Tenant Booker Application URL : https://techedtenantbookerapplication-ad5b9d48b.dispatcher.hana.ondemand.com/index.html
Case 1. API Client ID & Key are not created. ( user ID : S0009011881 )
- Returned Tenant URL : https://cpisuite-us-02.integrationsuite.cfapps.us10.hana.ondemand.com
For S0009011881 User, API Client ID & Secret are not shown on the Tenant Details (returned 'N/A'), so we cannot add Endpoint of the Service on SAP Cloud ALM as API Client ID & Secret are not existed. Could you let us know the main reason why the API Client information are not shown with this user ID?
Case 2. NO access auth. in Tenant URL for SAP Integration Suite ( user ID : S0018654365 )
- Returned Tenant URL : https://teched-us02.integrationsuite.cfapps.us10-002.hana.ondemand.com
For S0018654365 User, it seems that there's no role to access the tenant URL. Is there any process or prerequisite to get role to access the tenant? (or was it available only during the TechEd2022?)