
Session Feedback

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for taking a couple of minutes to give feedback, which will help me improve for next time. Before doing anything else, hit the green button "Submit new issue" right now to save this issue content, rather than try to complete the feedback in this raw form. Then go through the questions and mark a single checkbox for each, to represent your answer. Finally, in the empty comment box below this one, please describe what you liked and what you didn't like.

How experienced were you with web development in general before this session?

  • Didn't know what HTML is
  • Heard about HTML/CSS/JavaScript, but never developed a web app
  • Used HTML/CSS/JavaScript before, but never developed a complete web app on my own
  • Developed one or more (smaller) web app(s) on my own
  • I am a very experienced web developer

How experienced were you with UI5 before this session?

  • Didn't know what UI5 was
  • Heard about UI5, but never developed a UI5 app
  • Used UI5 before, but never developed a complete UI5 app on my own
  • Developed one or more (smaller) UI5 app(s) on my own
  • I am Peter Muessig, or at least very experienced

How do you feel about UI5 now (after this session)?

  • Don't know what UI5 is
  • Know what UI5 is, but don't know how develop a UI5 app
  • Know how to use parts of it, but don't know how to built a complete application on my own
  • Know how to built a complete application on my own
  • I am Peter Muessig, or at least very experienced

Did this session meet your expectations?

  • Not really
  • Somewhat
  • Mostly
  • Fully

Was the time allotted to each exercise enough for you to work through them?

  • Not really
  • Somewhat
  • Mostly
  • Fully

What did you think of the extra information (collapsable sections 💬) and explanations provided?

  • Too much information
  • Didn't really read it, didn't really bother me though
  • Found it helpful as context and background

How did you find the way we all moved at the same pace through the exercises?

  • Would have preferred to go through them on my own at my own speed
  • Didn't mind, no strong feelings either way
  • Found it useful to keep pace and discuss the exercise questions, and reflect

Which development environment(s) did you use?

  • SAP Business Application Studio
  • Code editor on my local machine
  • Devcontainer

If you have time, please add a comment below to write free-form what you liked and what you disliked about the session. Thank you!

Hi @joeyp722, thank you for the feedback and attending the CodeJam. Looking forward to next time! Best, Nico