mbt build error - tar-TXGjz8: Cannot open: No such file or directory
Sandeep-Malhotra opened this issue · 0 comments
Sandeep-Malhotra commented
I am getting error while trying to execute the mbt build command
Kindly let me know how to resolve it
MBT version is Cloud MTA Build Tool version 1.2.25
OS version MS windows 11 Enterprise . 10.0.22000 Build 22000
steps to produce
Run mbt build
Additional Information
@cap-js/sqlite: 1.2.1
@sap/cds: 7.3.0
@sap/cds-compiler: 4.3.0
@sap/cds-dk: 7.3.0
@sap/cds-dk (global): 7.3.0
@sap/cds-fiori: 1.1.0
@sap/cds-foss: 4.0.2
@sap/cds-hana: 2.0.0
@sap/cds-mtxs: 1.12.0
@sap/eslint-plugin-cds: 2.6.3
Node.js: v18.18.0
bookshop: 1.0.0
Node Version : v18.18.0
Upon further investigation I got an error while executing cds build --production