
Not able to use Odata feeds in Excel and Power BI

kumarvika opened this issue · 3 comments


Everything thing is working fine except that, I am not able to use feeds in Excel and Power BI. As they have default connector to get feeds from ODATA. Getting "Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed." as an error.

I am using a 0.3.7 version.


wog48 commented


the problem here is that excel expects absolut links, but olingo produces by default relative links, see

Up to know it is not possible to switch to absolut path. I prepared an enhancement that you can find in branch release-0.3.8. You will find a new method in the service context builder: setUseAbsoluteContextURL. Provide true to switch to absolute path.

Let me know if this works for you

Thanks, @wog48 I did some workaround.

I created one CustomeProcessor and register that processor into JPAODataGetHandler.

It is giving me the desired response.

Thank you for your response.

Hi @wog48,

It is working now. Thank you very much.