
Remove non-supported dependency

dzahariev opened this issue · 0 comments

The seem to not be maintained for more than a year.
The fork: provides the same functionality, but removes dependency to Guava in flavour to Java 8 Streams APIs.
Currently Guava 20.0 have 2 security issues CVE-2018-10237 and CVE-2020-8908 that will be gone after this adoption.

The adoption seem to be pretty straightforward - dependency is changed to:


And imports of packages org.reflections.* are renamed to org.reflections8.*.

The tests pass without issues after that:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] odata-jpa .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.590 s]
[INFO] odata-jpa-annotation ............................... SUCCESS [  1.078 s]
[INFO] odata-jpa-test ..................................... SUCCESS [  6.157 s]
[INFO] odata-jpa-metadata ................................. SUCCESS [ 12.096 s]
[INFO] odata-jpa-processor ................................ SUCCESS [ 26.294 s]
[INFO] odata-jpa-coverage ................................. SUCCESS [  1.638 s]
[INFO] odata-jpa-spring-support ........................... SUCCESS [  0.027 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 47.988 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-04-15T20:33:18+03:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 31M/128M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------