
filter & expand is not working

chentopf opened this issue · 6 comments

When i am calling:
/Scans?$filter=Team/Level eq 4&$expand=Team
im getting:
OData Library: An exception without message text was thrown.

any idea why?

wog48 commented

I assume that the Team relation is a to one relation, otherwise you would get a

The URI is malformed.

exception and would need to use a lambda expression. When trying to reproduce the problem I got the following error message:

"while trying to invoke the method java.util.Collection.toArray() of a null object loaded from local variable 'c'"

The error is thrown in JPANavigationOperation. getExistsQuery(). The problem occurs in generating the expand query. Expand queries are generated as separate queries that use the parent query as a sub select, which fails it the parent query has a sub select in itself.

Do you plan to solve this issue in the future?

wog48 commented

Yes, it will be fixed in the next release, but I can not give an exact date.

wog48 commented

The new version 0.2.6 shall fix the problem

When you release 0.2.6?

wog48 commented

If you pull the repo you get version 0.2.6