
How to integrate External Librairies in SAPUI5/UI5/Fiori

christophelannoyadeo opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi everyone,
I want to use and external library @datadog/browser-rum

It works perfectly if I follow tte tips n this blog From this lastest, we on upload the js file in the project.

But I don't really want to do that.

I tried to follow this blog also so without using shims (I tried also with shims but I nether succed).
So I would like to use npm packages as proposed in the blog.

So to test it I am working with BAS based on a demo project Walkthrough demo.

I have set the dependancy in package.json

Then I use in define in my controller

But when i want to test, it fails. The file is not found despite it exist in te dist folder

You can see that this file exists in the folder after building it

I think i have not set something wrong but I don't know where (in ui5.yaml ??)

May I ask you a clue or tips or example that could help ?

Thanks in advance
Kind Regards
Christophe Lannoy

Hi @christophelannoyadeo,
thanks for opening this issue.
When you wanna use shims, please have a look at
If your external library is already deployed on a CDN, you might go with
Hope this information helps. If not feel free to re-open this issue.

Hi @flovogt ,
thanks a lot for your help and links.

  • for shims, I have found that I have an issue. In BAS, i can only use spec 2.6 and I need to be in 3.0 to be able to use "@" in the name definition. If I want to use shims, in ui5.yaml, in " configurations" section the name as to be the same as package.json. But in dependancy, I am obliged to use @datadog/browser-rum so I think just right now

  • so I have tried to use your example but I still ecnounter a probleme when strating my application
    In controler I have put this code
    ], function (UIComponent, JSONModel, Device, _DD_RUM) {

    "use strict";

// Provides a shim for the datadog-rum library
paths: {
"sap/ui/demo/walkthrough/thirdparty/datadog-rum-v4": ""
shim: {
"sap/ui/demo/walkthrough/thirdparty/datadog-rum-v4": {
amd: true,
exports: "_DD_RUM"

return UIComponent.extend("sap.ui.demo.walkthrough.Component", {

	metadata: {
		interfaces: ["sap.ui.core.IAsyncContentCreation"],
		manifest: "json"

	init: function () {
		// call the init function of the parent
		UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
		// set data model
		var oData = {
			recipient: {
				name: "World"
		var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);

		// set device model
		var oDeviceModel = new JSONModel(Device);
		this.setModel(oDeviceModel, "device");

		// create the views based on the url/hash	


	getContentDensityClass : function () {
		if (!this._sContentDensityClass) {
			if (! {
				this._sContentDensityClass = "sapUiSizeCompact";
			} else {
				this._sContentDensityClass = "sapUiSizeCozy";
		return this._sContentDensityClass;


});I launch npm run build and launch the application, but it generates a probleme when loading 'sap/ui/demo/walkthrough/thirdparty/datadog-rum-v4.js': failed to load 'sap/ui/demo/walkthrough/thirdparty/datadog-rum-v4.js' from ../thirdparty/datadog-rum-v4.js: script load error`


As It works for you application, I don't understand why I am stuck on mine..

Any clue?

best Regards

Hi @christophelannoyadeo,
would be awesome if you could share the app via a github repository or as an zip file in the issue here.
Its quite hard to judge on the reason here.