
ui5.yaml version 1.114.8 of sapui5 fails during the build

robertiqkkk opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello ui5-tooling team,

We are facing the error during the xmake build, after updating the ui5.yaml sapui5 version to 1.114.8.
Please, check the logs in the below section, the root cause is marked with a sign '❌'.

Here is the log from the build:


MB: Removed internal URL


13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:translators:ui5Framework Using SAPUI5 version: 1.114.8
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/distribution-metadata...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.generic.template...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.core...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ushell...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.uxap...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/themelib_sap_belize...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/themelib_sap_fiori_3...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.rta...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.fe.placeholder...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.insights...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.f...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.m...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.fl...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.viz...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.microchart...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.layout...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.comp...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.table...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.fe.navigation...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.integration...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.collaboration...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.export...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.commons...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.dt...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.unified...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.chart...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.mdc...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.vbm...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.vk...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.commons...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @openui5/sap.ui.ux3...
13:56:57 INFO - info normalizer:ui5Framework:npm:Installer Installing missing package @sapui5/sap.ui.richtexteditor...
13:57:06 INFO - ..........
13:57:06 INFO - ⚠️ Process Failed With Error
13:57:06 INFO -
13:57:06 INFO - Error Message:
13:57:06 INFO - Resolution of framework libraries failed with errors:
13:57:06 INFO - ❌Failed to resolve library sap.insights: Failed to extract package @sapui5/sap.insights@1.114.6: No matching version found for @sapui5/sap.insights@1.114.6.
13:57:06 INFO - ❌Failed to resolve library sap.suite.ui.commons: Failed to extract package @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.commons@1.114.6: No matching version found for @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.commons@1.114.6.
13:57:06 INFO -
13:57:06 INFO - For details, execute the same command again with an additional '--verbose' parameter
13:57:06 INFO - [2023-10-16 10:57:06] ERROR could not build the "c4p-discipline-config-ui" module: could not execute the "npm run build" command: exit status 1
13:57:06 INFO - make: *** [Makefile_20231016105634.mta:37: c4p-discipline-config-ui] Error 1
13:57:06 ERROR - could not build the MTA project: could not execute the "make -f Makefile_20231016105634.mta p=CF mtar=c4p-discipline-config-ui.mtar strict=true mode= t="/xmake/j/prod-build10010/w/ght-copm/ght-copm-c4p-discipline-config-ui-SP-MS-linuxx86_64-linuxx86_64/gen/out"" command: exit status 2
13:57:06 xmake ERROR: mbt returned 1
13:57:06 ERROR - ====================================================================================================
13:57:06 ERROR - = workflow failed (-_-') =

Expected Behavior

The build using ui5 build is not failing due to the ui5 tooling npm packages missing versions

Current Behavior

Failure during the ui5 build with ui5.yaml sapui5 version having 1.114.8

Steps to Reproduce the Issue

  1. Set 1.114.8 version to the ui5.yaml
  2. Run ui5 build


  • UI5 Module Version (output of ui5 --version when using the CLI): 1.114.8
  • Node.js Version: 18.13.0
  • npm Version: unknown
  • OS/Platform: unknown
  • Browser (if relevant): unknown
  • Other information regarding your environment (optional): nothing

According to, it's correct that @sapui5/sap.insights@1.114.6 and @sapui5/sap.suite.ui.commons@1.114.6 should be requested, but obviously their publishing failed :-(

The same errors should occur for SAPUI5 1.114.7, it references the same patch levels of those libs.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Sadly the release process of the npm packages for SAPUI5 1.114.7 failed at first and it was missed to trigger it again.

I triggered another published earlier and the missing versions are now available.