
ui5 serve --open can not resolve relative path with single quote 'xxxxxx'

geng19 opened this issue · 4 comments

ui5 serve --open will open web server root directory in default browser. Optionally, supplied relative path will be appended to the root URL. But when i use it in my case, the relative path was with '' and it had the error ''failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found)''

code with error :
"scripts": {
"start": "ui5 serve --open 'index.html'"
but it worked with "index.html" or just index.html without prefix and suffix

Hi @geng19,
thanks for sharing this finding. I tested it on my machine (macos v14.5, node v20.13.1, ui5/cli v3.11.0). With following 3 options the index.html opens as desired in my default browser.

  1. ui5 serve --open index.html
  2. ui5 serve --open "index.html"
  3. ui5 serve --open 'index.html'
    So, I guess your machine/os differs from my one. Could you please share your operating system, installed node version and @ui5/cli version?

Node.js v20.12.0 [image: image.png]

Sadly that image didn't go through. Could you please try uploading it via a new comment in the browser?

Also, please share your npm version as well as your operating system with us. Thanks!