
@deprecated tag in TS Definitions should be on the last position

d3xter666 opened this issue · 2 comments


Currently @deprecated tag (if such) goes as the first occurence into the JSDoc block of the TS definitions.
Please take a look at the currently generated definitions for UI5@1.120: and search for @deprecated tag.

An example:

   * @since 1.68
   * @deprecated (since 1.119) - See class description for details.
   * Provides access to the individual parameters of a URL query string.
   * This class parses the query string from a URL and provides access to the values of individual parameters.
   * There are methods to check whether the query string {@link #has contains a parameter (`has()`)}, to {@link #get get a single value (`get()`) }
   * for a parameter and to {@link #getAll get a list of all values (`getAll()`)} for a parameter. Another
   * method allows to {@link #keys iterate over all parameter names (`keys()`)}.
   * Decoding:
   * The constructor and the factory methods expect percentage encoded input whereas all other APIs expect
   * and return decoded strings. After parsing the query string, any plus sign (0x2b) in names or values is
   * replaced by a blank (0x20) and the resulting strings are percentage decoded (`decodeURIComponent`).
   * Deprecation:
   * This class is deprecated in favor of the URL web standard classes `URLSearchParams` / `URL`.
   * `UriParameters.fromQuery(input)` can be migrated to `new URLSearchParams(input)`
   * `UriParameters.fromURL(input)` can be migrated to `new URL(input).searchParams`
   * Caveats:
   * The API has already been designed to be a drop-in replacement but there are some important caveats to
   * consider when switching to the standard APIs `URLSearchParams` / `URL`:
   * 	 - `new URL(input).searchParams` validates the given URL according to the WHATWG URL Standard ({@link}).
   *     `UriParameters.fromURL(input)` only extracts the query string from the given input but does not perform
   *     any validation.
   * 	 - In some edge cases, especially for incomplete/invalid encoding, decoding behaves differently. Decoding
   *     in `UriParameters` is described in the section above. For details about the encoding/decoding of `URLSearchParams`,
   *     see the WHATWG URL Standard ({@link}).
   * 	 - The `get` method's second parameter, `bAll`, is not available; use the `getAll` method instead.
   * 	 - The `keys` method's return value contains an entry for every occurrence of the key within the query,
   *     in the defined order and including duplicates. `UriParameters#keys()` yields unique key values, even
   *     when there are multiple values for the same key.
   * 	 - The internal `mParams` property is not available anymore (you should never access internal properties
   *     of UI5 classes or objects). With the predecessor of this API, access to `mParams` was often used to check
   *     whether a parameter is defined at all. Using the `has` method or checking the result of `get` against
   *     `null` serves the same purpose.
  export default class UriParameters {

The issue is that this enforces the JSDoc parser to take not only the @deprecated line, but everything untill the next JSDoc tag (@links are not taken into account). In this case it's the whole descriptive JSDoc block.

That's indeed a bug in the generator. In JSDoc comments, block tags (like @deprecated, @param etc.) should come after the description. Or, the description has to be prefixed with @desc.

Fix by @d3xter666 was applied internally for 1.121 and is also being downported to 1.120.