
[Title]: No exported type for headerLevelTypes (H1, H2, …)

ilhan007 opened this issue · 3 comments

Feature Request Description

Title: No exported type for headerLevelTypes (H1, H2, …)

Proposed Solution

Export types that are available in @ui5/webcomponents/dsit/types and @ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dsit/types

I tested the Angular directive, without generated type(using the Title directly from the ui5) and found that language server struggles to understand that the TitleLevel contains those heading types and recognizes it as any on HTML side, on the typescript class side, it works as expected. So I think leaving the generated ones for now is better.
Hoping it's fixed in ng17

Hello @timogeib please consider the answer by Giorgi above

@ilhan007 importing the TitleTypes woks fine. Thank you for clarification. Issue is resolved for me. :-)