
ExpandableText: Accessibility - "Show More" & popover content not read by screenreader, when used in Analytical tab inside a dialog

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

We are using ExpandableText component in a column in AnalyticalTable, which is in a dialog. There are following accessibility issues.

  1. "Show More" link is not read when focus goes to the link, instead screenreader reads "Close the popover" text
  2. Popover's content is not read

Isolated Example

Reproduction steps

  1. Go to the stackblitz link provided
  2. Click on "Open Dialog" button, dialog opens
  3. Click on "Tab" to reach the first row's "Show More" button
  4. Screenreader reads "Close the popover", which seems incorrect
  5. Popover opens, but it's content is not read.

Expected Behaviour

"Show More" / "Show Less" links should be read correctly when in focus.
Content of the popover should be read

Screenshots or Videos

No response

UI5 Web Components for React Version


UI5 Web Components Version




Operating System


Additional Context

No response

Relevant log output

No response


No response


  • I’m not disclosing any internal or sensitive information.

Hi @abhijeet181088

This PR will fix the first issue. Regarding the second one we'll need more time to investigate. We'll let you know once there's an update.