
Latest release broke package

christian-bromann opened this issue · 1 comments


just some hours ago I used inquirer with WebdriverIO successfully, now it broke and some investigations seem that it has to do with the recent release. Adding a console.log to base.js:

export default class Prompt {
  constructor(question, rl, answers) {
    console.log('Prompt', question);

Prints out the following:

Prompt {
  type: 'checkbox',
  name: 'plugins',
  message: 'Do you want to add a plugin to your test setup?',
  choices: [
    { name: 'wait-for', value: 'wdio-wait-for$--$wait-for' },
      name: 'angular-component-harnesses',
      value: '@badisi/wdio-harness$--$harness'
  default: []
? Do you want to add a plugin to your test setup?
Prompt {
  type: 'checkbox',
  name: 'services',
  message: 'Do you want to add a service to your test setup?',
  choices: Array {},
  default: []

It seems like my choices array got converted to Array {} which then causes the following error:

TypeError: this.opt.choices.getChoice is not a function
    at CheckboxPrompt.render (file:///private/tmp/fixme/node_modules/inquirer/lib/prompts/checkbox.js:108:26)
    at CheckboxPrompt._run (file:///private/tmp/fixme/node_modules/inquirer/lib/prompts/checkbox.js:73:

Nevermind, this was an error on my end. Sorry for the noise.