
Error in `input` for `@inquirer/core` version 4.1.0

patrick-kw-chiu opened this issue · 3 comments

Screenshot 2023-09-10 at 12 49 47 AM

It seems the new version of use-prefix.mjs tries to import * as spinners from 'cli-spinners';
While the 4.1.0 version is import spinners from 'cli-spinners';, which makes the difference

Hi, can you provide more details on how you're running the code?

Are you using Typescript? If so, could you paste your tsconfig?
I see Node 18.12.1 from the log.

I have some integration tests to validate the imports validity; and they're passing. I'd like to be able to at least replicate this issue and prevent regression.

Thanks for looking into it 🙌 I am using plain JS this time

A new patch release is out.