
Will the engine.node filed be downgraded back to v14 in the current v9?

lanzhi-lee opened this issue · 1 comments

my package relies on version ~9.2.12 of the inquirer.

Suddenly, a user reported that the dependency could not be installed properly.

Finally, it was found that the node version restriction was changed to 18 in version 9.1.14

Will the engine.node filed be downgraded back to v14 in the current v9?

Hi, I'm sorry to hear this is causing issue with your users.

The version 14 isn't compatible with Inquirer anymore (it'll fail.) Also note that when Node versions goes out of the LTS window, many libraries drop support. Inquirer is probably just higher in your dependency tree (so it's the first one reporting the issue.) Your user would then run into the next dependency with the same issue.

So, tl;dr:

  1. We're only committed to supporting LTS Node versions. I would encourage you pushing your users to working with safe Node.js versions.
  2. You can lock the version of Inquirer to 9.1.13 if you want - but it might not fix the issue as another dependency is likely having the same issue.