Recommended setting for PYTHONPATH overwrites user's default in 19.8.0
scallag opened this issue · 1 comments
scallag commented
Once the BBP installation completes, the following addition to the user's .bash_profile is recommended:
export PYTHONPATH=/gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/geo112/CyberShake/software/bbp/bbp-19.8.0-python3/bbp/comps
However, this will overwrite any custom PYTHONPATH modifications the user has made. I suggest changing this to:
export PYTHONPATH=/gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/geo112/CyberShake/software/bbp/bbp-19.8.0-python3/bbp/comps:${PYTHONPATH}
fabiolsilva commented
Add BBP's comps directory to users' PYTHONPATH, keeping what is already there. Added to dev branch with commit 09ab4d2