
Model Zoo and Onedrive link cannot be accessed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear authors,

Thank you very much for providing the complete attack and defense baselines, it is a great work.

You mentioned in We recommend you to download the data and model from model zoo of our website , but we also provide the whole onedrive link at Backdoor Model as an alternative source for your convenience.

However, I tried both links and they didn't work. model zoo has been unresponsive and Onedrive cannot be opened.

Therefore, I would like to ask you to update the latest accessible links.

Looking forward to your reply.


Thank you very much for your question. I tested the SharePoint link for the Backdoor Model and it was open and downloadable. Due to the unique naming conventions of SharePoint, the model zoo download will be temporarily removed.


Thank you for your reply. I tried the [Backdoor Model] again, but it still could not be accessed. The interface after opening is as follows:

iShot_2024-06-20_10 28 46

Sorry, the link to Backdoor Model in readme was updated in the previous update log, but not in the following section. The link has now been updated in both sections.

Well received with thanks. Best wishes.