
Why is __init__ in package root?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I updated to the latest version and I noticed all my scripts are now broken. This seems to be a result of #64, which moves the entire package structure up one level. Now and all modules are in the package root. Before they were in the pyzacros subdirectory.

This breaks all my code depending on pyzacros. Every statement such as:

from pyzacros.core.Species import Species

Now becomes:

from core.Species import Species

To me this is really odd in a python package. As a user, if I install pyZacros I'd expect to be able to import it as pyzacros.

But, I can also do:

import tests
import setup
import examples
import doc
import __version__

from anywhere on my system. This can cause some really nasty issues with name collisions with other packages.

For now I will revert to the latest working version, but I hope this change can be reversed in a future update.

Hi Stef,

I think you should be able to import it as pyzacros. How are you installing/importing it?

What works for me is

  1. I clone the github repo, and cd into the folder.
  2. I use pip install -e . on that folder
  3. python -c "import pyzacros; print(pyzacros.__version__)" should print out the version string

pip install -e git+
To install without checking out manually, seems to work for me.

I think python install should also work.

I installed it using pip install -e ..

Did a little testing. Something in the python environment that we use within SCM software is making it work. However, using another environment I see the same issue as you are having. The issue seems to go away if I don't use the -e flag. Can you try that instead?

Yeah, that does seem to work. I prefer to have it in editable mode (easier to update/debug that way). I think the offending line is this one:

packages = ['pyzacros'] + ['pyzacros.'+i for i in find_packages('.')]

Which does something funny during setup.

That particular line is working as intended. It seems that the package_dir option is not really well supported in develop mode, from what I can gather by googling.

However, I found a way to get around it.
I found that the following helped:

git clone pyzacros
pip install -e ./pyzacros

Note the lowercase name, like the package. Now, importing pyzacros works for me.