
Video data are not available.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Video data are not available.

I tried several ways to download the video data, but always missing serveral videos. I always get different warning when phrasing and capturing the frames of dataset.
As in mmaction database:
video 1Fdwuy2V9EY has not been downloaded or the event clip 1Fdwuy2V9EY_E_001714_001725 not generated video 1Fdwuy2V9EY has not been downloaded or the event clip 1Fdwuy2V9EY_E_001949_001983 not generated video 8WGrvkd6ZEU has not been downloaded or the event clip 8WGrvkd6ZEU_E_003255_003262 not generated video CkNz9ZIQmZI has not been downloaded or the event clip CkNz9ZIQmZI_E_004748_004827 not generated video Lt0HnPxdzHw has not been downloaded or the event clip Lt0HnPxdzHw_E_002642_002665 not generated video MDxIRDDWw1w has not been downloaded or the event clip MDxIRDDWw1w_E_000213_000221 not generated video PaVNLvldLeI has not been downloaded or the event clip PaVNLvldLeI_E_004849_004962 not generated video RLDjrhjikT4 has not been downloaded or the event clip RLDjrhjikT4_E_004334_004373 not generated video WCcSXjsCVMA has not been downloaded or the event clip WCcSXjsCVMA_E_001617_001624 not generated video bCDJ9CUBvqs has not been downloaded or the event clip bCDJ9CUBvqs_E_008147_008155 not generated video bCDJ9CUBvqs has not been downloaded or the event clip bCDJ9CUBvqs_E_008227_008235 not generated video mQ59PLtU4QA has not been downloaded or the event clip mQ59PLtU4QA_E_002522_002566 not generated video mQ59PLtU4QA has not been downloaded or the event clip mQ59PLtU4QA_E_002650_002678 not generated video om-qKQXxnH4 has not been downloaded or the event clip om-qKQXxnH4_E_000865_000903 not generated video qBlozVQ7NOc has not been downloaded or the event clip qBlozVQ7NOc_E_005112_005218 not generated video uDZVn-K4GE4 has not been downloaded or the event clip uDZVn-K4GE4_E_003068_003076 not generated video upaJ16I0zmQ has not been downloaded or the event clip upaJ16I0zmQ_E_001911_001917 not generated video wWwc2BbO598 has not been downloaded or the event clip wWwc2BbO598_E_000332_000340 not generated video wYbfwx93VXk has not been downloaded or the event clip wYbfwx93VXk_E_001326_001333 not generated

I submitted the google form and did not achieve any response.

Have you collected any data sets? If so, could you please send me a copy。


Please try the new UT Box link below: to get the missing videos.
