
'svgnative/SVGDocument.h' file not found error when installing via CocoaPods

AndreiArdelean1 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

After adding SDWebImageSVGNativeCoder to the Podfile, the project fails to compile with 'svgnative/SVGDocument.h' file not found. The svgnative pod was also added in the Pod project.

Adding ${PODS_ROOT}/svgnative/svg-native-viewer/svgnative/include/** to HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS fixed this issue.

Hello, according to your approach, my Xcode still reports an error: 'svgnative/SVGDocument.h' file not found

Maybe I need to hack CocoaPods as well....๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I think I tested current CocoaPods integration works for

install! :generate_multiple_pod_projects => true

Actually I don't even test without this options (because I think this is the only way that CocoaPods should works.

Put all Pods into same project with different target, violate the Xcode build system structure, which has a HeaderMap thing)

That project-all-headers.hmap will map all your multiple targets in the same leve, which means, if you:

- Target1:
-   Foo.h
- Target2:
-   Foo.h
- Target3:
-   Bar.h (#import Foo.h)

This will cause undefined behavior which of Foo.h get imported. This is the case of that HeaderMap

Anyway, just fix as you says, hope there are no more issues than it been fixed.

See #4