Automatic scan with xml output

cpandya2909 opened this issue · 4 comments

I really appreciate this tool and have been using it for a long time and it has helped me many many times.

The feature which I like most is the stage-wise different scans but the only problem is, I can not automate this for periodic scans.

Can you provide a command line option to give a list of targets and write output in XML format?

Hi! Thanks for the feedback!

What do you mean by periodic scans? As in, scanning automatically every few days, or something?

We can definitely create a command line option to provide a target range / targets file.

Regarding the output, what do you mean exactly? There have been requests for some sort of reporting. Is this what you mean?

I have created a tool which scans targeted ips each day and perform various checks.

I would like to run sparta from command line with target list
something like "sparta -l / sparta -t "

also. To see the result of the scan, it sparta can generate some kind of parsable output. like in xml or json then it will be dam cool.

If you check the dev branch, we just pushed the -t command line option where you can specify a target IP range.

What kind of output are you expecting from sparta? All tool output should be saved in sparta's project folder.

Closed for lack of input.