Switching Language After a Certain Sequence Results in RTL being applied to English text

OmarElkilany opened this issue · 5 comments

To reproduce:

  1. Go to landing page.
  2. Press sign up/discover our content button.
  3. While on the signup or content page, change the language to Arabic.
  4. Click the Nawwar Icon in the top bar to go to the landing page again.
  5. Scroll down to the switch language button and press it.
  6. English text is aligned RTL.

I can't think of a fix though.

@Logician724 @Shiro-Raven

I noticed this a while ago, can you think of a reason so as to why this happened? Is this because of the translation service injections? @OmarElkilany

I am not sure, but I don't think so. If the service was the problem, the text would not have changed language @Logician724

It is probably because of the JQuery code triggering the rtl class. Most probably the switch language logic in the landing page is flawed. I am assigning this to me.

I believe I fixed the issue. The current latest implementation is available on deployment now. Please review, and confirm the issue is removed.