
Parse error on almost empty policy files

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We have a number of policies that are really just .fc files with a module name


foo.if exists but is empty


/opt/ourstuff/bin/app5exe     --      gen_context(system_u:object_r:our_app_t,s0)

This could obviously be done differently, but there was a desire to keep the .fc with the rpm rather than in a system wide policy.

This policy will fail in selint with:

selint -r .
Note: Check E-007 is not performed because no permission macro has been parsed.
foo.te:2: (F): syntax error, unexpected end of file (F-001)
    2 |
      | ^
foo.te:2: (F): Error: Invalid statement (F-001)
    2 |
      | ^

but adding a comment makes selint happy:

# no op