Let user choose graph intervals

Closed this issue · 2 comments

From Ashutosh:
Can we add the time increments the users want to see? For example, we return daily rainfall on CHIRPS or IMERG etc. What if the users wanted monthly data? or Annual? Can we ask users to input that and the graph gets made accordingly?

For precip, one wants to see how much it rained in a month, so I would add. For esi, I would average for that month. Min/max/avg are spatial functions (operating on their region of interest). So, the temporal operation (summing/averaging for the month) would be same for min/max/avg. Country-averaged monthly-total rainfall for the length of period they selected, for example.

I think this can be handled on the fly in the UI. We will initially display the default interval, however add a dropdown "Default increments", "Monthly Increments", "yearly increments" which would convert the data on the graph to the selected.

completed with 31c8f4d