Unable to upload beta package version - record types
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There are two account list views dependent on the Household and Organization Account Record Types. When trying to upload, getting an error:
This component depends on another component that is not included in this package - RecordTypeName
@davidmreed can the dependent list views exist in a package?
Also, noticed the contact record types were added as components in the package. Both have a global action and permission set dependencies. Guessing the dependencies need to move to a unmanaged post setting?
@mkolodner getting really close on a test managed package!
@Nickers3 - I can confirm that a dev scratch spun up just now from the latest version of Master seems to have everything I expect. I will keep poking around and looking for any holes, of course. But I think we're ready to move this to namespacing and packaging!
Whoo hoo!
This has been resolved by moving account list views to unpackaged and contact record types into package.