Error on Package Installation - InsightTeaserCard
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Nickers3 commented
When installing the test package getting the following error: (OCC_Account_Record_Page) Your org doesn't have access to component cooper:companyInsightTeaserCard.
Likely due to insights lightning component. Either understand how to turn on for orgs pre install or take off.
Nickers3 commented
@mkolodner do you know if there is a use case for the insight component on the OCC Account Lightning Page? It's the source for one of the install errors.
mkolodner commented
No use case. Take it off. (I swear I've taken it off at least twice before, in fact.)
Nickers3 commented
I'll spin up a new org with all of your changes and take them off.
Nickers3 commented
Removed from Lighting Page.