
Unable to Update Reports on package deployment

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When running ci_master, on the deploy task, getting the following error:

Update of Report OmbudsmanCloudCare/Sailors_Missing_Rank_or_Email_8i0: Error: filterlanguage: Invalid value specified: 1.

Update of Report OmbudsmanCloudCare/Contacts_wo_Sailor_aRs: Error: filterlanguage: Invalid value specified: 1.

Update of Report OmbudsmanCloudCare/Cases_with_Unknown_Sailor_1Xa: Error: filterlanguage: Invalid value specified: 1.

Update of Report OmbudsmanCloudCare/Cases_Still_on_Unknown_Sailor_VU4: Error: filterlanguage: Invalid value specified: 1.

Update of Report OmbudsmanCloudCare/Cases_Reported_to_Command_oIW: Error: filterlanguage: Invalid value specified: 1.

Update of Dashboard OCCDashboards/mHfJLDlHOhliMWoCsoTRRJarAztLlm: Error: In field: report - no Report named OmbudsmanCloudCare/Contacts_wo_Sailor_aRs found

Appears to be because translation workbench is enabled.

@mkolodner any reason to have translation workbench enabled? I may have copied this from the NPSP settings so unless you see a need, I think we take out.

I know Outbound Funds did not have this until just recently.

I don't see any need for translation workbench.

Removed from scratch org definition files.