Login form misleading
annejackson opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Sometimes I end up on this page when I see I'm logged out of metaCI and trying to get back in- see below link and screenshot (either when in my profile page and my session has timed-out, or trying to use new org please):
**Sometimes I get redirected to this login page that looks like it's for an admin and not me, which is also confusing (screenshot below):
As a user, the normal is to fill out username and password fields as they stand out, However, I don't believe we need these fields as you login through Github link anyways.
so my suggestion would be to remove the login fields if we don't need them and make the Github link stand out a little more AND to not redirect users to the dijango administration login page. Also, make sure that after a user selects the github link what page should it go to? Their profile page? A home page on metaci? Or the page they were trying to go to when they got the error- like the https://mrbelvedereci.herokuapp.com/plans/new_org_please/
here you go @cdcarter
Now if this happens you don't get the Django admin screen, you just get a 403 Forbidden message with no feedback on what you need to do.
Workaround: Go here: https://mrbelvedereci.herokuapp.com/
Click login link at the top right. Then go back to the create org page:
Almost created a new issue until I saw this one.
@davisagli Curious if there is any priority and/or issues with implementing this one. Would love to have this one implemented since I get questions about it on a monthly basis usually in the form of "I cannot see your link".
@Julian88Tex This fell off my radar but I don't think it will be super difficult. @Br4nd0R is going to pick it up next month.
@annejackson @Julian88Tex fix for this should be deployed Thursday night.
Excited :-)